Saturday, September 8, 2012

Apa Itu ROOT?

1. Definisi Root
2. Android phone saya boleh ROOT tak ?
3. Bagaimana ROOT ?
4. Ish, best ke root phone ni? Dah la boleh brick, so nak kena root atau x?
5. Hp saya ni dah root ke belum?

1. Definisi ROOT? 
root = superuser privilege [ = jailbreak]

bile dah root.. semer yang menggangu gugat system core android nie ko leh alter.. cthnye ko leh tukar file system ker ext4(laju dohh).. repartition(leh divide partition cam kat windows leh wat D:\, E:\) paling besh.. ko leh uninstall standed OEM program dlm android yang ko tak pakai.. pasal kalau phone yang blum root.. mmg tak leh nak buang program standed nie... nanti kalau aku ingat aku tambah yer...

2. Android phone saya boleh ROOT tak?

Root phone HTC dengan kaedah Revolutionary [ Masih beta]:

  • HTC Desire (bravo) 0.93.0001
  • HTC Desire CDMA (bravoc) 1.06.0000
  • HTC Wildfire (buzz) 1.01.0001
  • HTC Aria (liberty) 1.02.0000
  • HTC Incredible S (vivo) 1.09.0000 and 1.13.0000
  • HTC Droid Incredible 2 (vivow) 0.97.0000
  • HTC Desire S (saga) 0.98.0000 and 0.98.0002
  • HTC View (express) 1.09.0000 and 1.13.0000
  • HTC Flyer (flyer) 1.10.0000
  • HTC Sensation (pyramid) 1.17.0006, .0008, .0011 and .0012
  • HTC Evo 3D (shooter) 1.30.0000 and 1.40.0000
Revolutionary will permanently unlock NAND write protection by default on the following phones:
  • HTC Sensation (pyramid)
  • HTC Evo 3D (shooter)

Root phone HTC dengan kaedah unrevoked :
  • EVO 4G
  • HTC Hero
  • Droid Incredible (HTC Incredible)
  • HTC Desire
  • HTC Aria
  • Droid Eris (HTC DesireC)
  • HTC Wildfire (HTC Buzz)
Penting : "As with all hacks to your phone's firmware, setting your phone S-OFF will void the warranty on your phone. Do not take your phone in for support until you have set your phone S-ON and removed all custom modifications. Damaging your phone by flashing a custom bootloader, or other unusual combinations of firmware, is not covered under warranty; although your carrier may not check to see if your phone was modified, please be honest."

Tambahan untuk pengguna HTC : Sebelum root sila screenshot atau salin & simpan di tempat selamat [ seperti email anda sendri]. Maklumat ini sangat penting untuk tujuan unroot [ kembali kepada sistem asal untuk tujuan baikpulih {hantar kedai HTC- repair}]
- Build Number [daripada settings -> about phone -> software]

- Fingerprint & versi bootloader : periksa sama ada anda punya RUU versi Htc_asia_wwe atau wwe 

Untuk phone htc, download RUU anda di  :

Root phone model lain : Samsung, dan lain2:

guide bergambar : ahli2 lain sila tambah bila berkelapangan :D

3. Bagaimana root?

3.1 Kaedah SuperOneClick :

3.2 Utk pengguna HTC, baik guna Unrevoked method utk root...

3.3 For futher information of the method of rooting your phone

Nota/Amaran tambahan : rooting your phone does run the risk of potentially bricking it (i.e. your phone could become nonfunctional) – anda dinasihatkan untuk membuat homework/research sebelum mencuba !

4. Ish, best ke root phone ni?Dah la boleh brick, so nak kena root atau x?

Kelebihan root:

  • Anda memiliki akses untuk mengubah semua system files, mengenakan themes, tukar boot images, delete annoying stock apps [macam dalam HTC, Plurk ],  and other various native applications that might drive you crazy

  • Back Up And Restore The Whole System : Nandroid backup, the best method to backup            
Kekurangan root :

  • Hilang Warranty [ namun boleh unroot kembali]

  • “brick”  :  screwing up your phone software so badly that your phone can no longer function properly and is pretty much as useless as a brick. Kena beli baru lah :D

5. Hp saya ni dah root ke belum?
Haha, kalau ada app ni dalam enset dah boleh kat dah root la...
Tp to make sure, korg bolehlah dload Root Checker dari Android Market, atau korg boleh try guna apps yg memerlukan root utk berfungsi...

So, bila dapat je notification macam ni & korg boleh tekan button Allow, maknanye korg dah rooted hp korg...enjoy....

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